Welcome to the Repeaters Page where you can find all sorts of information in regards to the Radio Repeaters which are run and/or used by the Wimmera Amateur Radio Group.
If you want to jump to a specific repeater, click the link here; VK3RBP, VK3RHD, VK3RWM.
VK3RBP – Horsham Analogue Repeater
We have recently gone repeater crazy, now with a repeater in Horsham, VK3RBP with much better coverage. This repeater is owned and operated by WARG.
The repeater is running a Motorola MTR2000 at about 40 watts.
The repeater is linked to Allstar via a linking radio which is located at a members house which houses the Allstar Linking Node.
We are also beaconing on APRS.FI
We would like to thank The Doctor for all his work on this repeater (and many others in the area) and the VK Linked Repeater System ran by AR VIC.
Find out more about the VK Linked Repeater System on VK3RBA‘s QRZ Page.
Repeater Live View
You can view the current status of our repeater at it’s Dashboard URL (https://vk3rbp.vk44.net) or on the Allstarlink Dashboard
TX Frequency: 439.700 MHz
RX Frequency: 434.700 MHz
Tone: 91.5
VK3RBP-1 is also running in the township of Horsham as a full iGate and Digi for APRS on 145.175MHz.
We are operating a Simoco Transceiver with a Dell Wyse running Direwolf APRS Software.
Dashboard: https://vk3rbp-1.vk44.net
VK3RHD – Horsham Digital Repeater
We have recently gone digital radio crazy, now with a repeater in Horsham, VK3RHD. This repeater is owned by VK3AS and operated by WARG.
The repeater is running a Motorola MTR2000 with a custom MMDVM Repeater Board at about 10 watts.
We are also beaconing on APRS.FI
Repeater Live View
You can view the current status of our repeater at vk3rhd.vk44.net
TX Frequency: 438.325 MHz
RX Frequency: 431.325 MHz
Slot 1 – Brandmeister Network
Static Talkgroups: 505 (VK Wide) and 5053 (VK3) on Brandmeister.
Additional Static Talkgroup: 9 (LOCAL – Connected to VK3III-L via VK44.NET ASL HUB)
You can start any dynamic talk groups for Brandmeister Network.
Slot 2 – FreeDMR Network
Static Talkgroups: 505 (VK Wide)
You can start any dynamic talk groups for FreeDMR Network.
NAC – 293
Static Talkgroups: 10700 (NSW P25 Link)
You can start any dynamic talk groups for P25 Network by selecting the Talkgroup on your Radio.
VK3RHD allows DMR Digital APRS Packets via DMR Slot 1 which is then sent to Brandmeister’s Australian Server (5051) to be transcoded into APRS.fi.
Nice to get experience about UNILAB KL450C UHF Base Station